Sydney, Cape Breton County
There's nothing that can slow this lady down. At the age of eighty-two, she's never been busier. She'll be stepdancing one night, and singing with the Gaelic Choir the next. Despite breaking her leg last winter, Kay was still volunteering two or three times a week for the Gaelic Society in Sydney, as she has for many years. She is a dedicated supporter of the classes that go on all winter, being the expert that the tutors turn to when stuck for a word. Having worked for the hospital dietary for many years and talking Gaelic to the patients, Kay is quite the cook. Often the Gaelic classes will involve learning to make bannoch or a winter stew, while making sure the teapot is never empty. The students adore her. She is happy to be so independent with no aches or pains. Kay will joke that they won't take her license from her until she's ninety. Meanwhile, she's probably on her way to a dance or a Clan MacNeil gathering. Once you meet her, you've got a friend for life. - Shannon
Interviewed by Jim Watson
Camera operated by Frank King
June 27, 2008
Disc One
Total Play Time: 59:50
00:35 start, Kay introduces herself, her sloinneadh; she talks about where she was born
03:35-11:00 her mother worked with midwife Mary MacLean from Benachadie Glen; midwifery work; Jim tells one of Joe Neil MacNeil's stories View
11:19-19:19 life on the homestead View
19:19-24:33 fishing; types of fish; eelskin shoelaces; being resourceful
24:35 fairies in Benachadie Glen; Mickie Ceataidh; Jim's story about second sight
32:08 creatures in the woods
37:08 going to church
39:00 election night; pasttimes; music; Jim's story
42:25 going visiting; Oidhche na Challeagan; Halloween and New Year's Eve
48:54 gardens; cold storage
52:31-59:47 religion; GĂ idhlig prayers; First Communion; mass; confession View
Disc Two
Total Play Time: 34:52
00:14-07:48 mass; Communion; Jim's story View
08:00 healing priests; Kay's story about being healed; Jim's story
13:53-19:27 illnesses and treatments; Kay's story about being sick as a little girl
22:10-26:12 talking about Benachadie Pond; cutting special marsh hay for the cows View
26:13-29:37 discussion about styles today compared to homemade View
29:39-33:07 making yarn, woolen clothes
33:08 songs