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Jimmy Mickey Sandy MacNeil
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Jimmy Mickey Sandy MacNeil
Seumas Mhigi Shandraidh 'ic Dhòmhnaill
Benacadie Pond, Cape Breton County

the wake house

Nuair a dh’eugadh cuideigin, am faire anns an taigh:

GD: Dur a dh’eugadh duine, dè bhiodh iad a’ deanadh dìreach air a mhionaid a dh’eug duine, dè bhiodh iad a’ deanadh?

SMN: Uell, a’ chiad rud, dh’fheumadh thu a’ sagart fhaighinn.

GD: Nuair a bha an duine an spàirn a’ bhàis. .

SMN: ...... mun do dh’eug e.

GD: Seadh, yeah. Agus dè a dheanadh an sagart?

SMN: Bheireadh e dha na rites – the last rights.No, chuireadh e an ol’ air.

GD: ..... Sin e, yeah. Agus nuair a dh’eugadh an duine an uair sin, an robh boireannaich no firionnaich sònraichte anns a’ pharaiste a thigeadh gus a’ chorp a ghlanadh agus a dheiseileachadh?

SMN: agus [????] a chur oirre.

GD: Sheadh, bha feadhainn ann a bha na b’fheàrr na feadhainn eile.

SMN: Bha.

GD: Cò an fheadhainn a bhiodh mun cuairt a’ seo? A bheil cuimhn’ agad air ainm duine sam bith a dheanadh an obair sin?

SMN: Daniel Mac An t-Saoir seo a bha shuas air a’ chnoc. Bha roinn aca mun cuairt.

GD: ......... a bha math air an obair. Yeah. Agus chuireadh iad an fheusag ma ‘se fireannach a bh’ann, chuireadh iad an fheusag dhe.

SMN: [????] Ach chumadh an fheusag air fàs.

GD: Aye, chumadh, chumadh. Chuala mi siud. Chuala mi siud. Agus na h-ìnean cuideachd agus am falt.

SMN: Agus am falt.

GD: Yeah, yeah, chuala mi siud. Chuala mi siud. Agus an cuala sibh na seann fheadhainn a’ bruidhinn mu dheidhinn mar a bhiodh iad a’ cumail faire nuair a bhiodh faire aca ‘staigh? Robh daonnan ciste aca, no robh faire ann idir far am biodh an duine dìreach air bùird?

SMN: Bhiodh e air a chur air bùird gus an oidhche mun do rachadh a thiodhlacadh gu rachadh e a’s a’ chiste. Nuair a bha a’ chiste air a deanamh [?????? ] na daoine a’ deanamh na ciste.

GD: Seadh, seadh. Ach, nuair a bhiodh iad a’ deanadh na ciste, am biodh an fhaire fhathast ann agus an corp air bùird, no ...........

SMN: Sheadh.

GD: Dè a chuireadh iad fo na bùird – baraillean?

SMN: Tha mi ‘creidsinn ........ bhitheadh iad anns an aon àird.

GD: Bhitheadh, bhitheadh. Agus ‘robh cleachdadh sam bith eile aca? Dè bhiodh a’ còmhdachadh a’ chuirp?

SMN: An corp, bha e air dreasadh .......

GD: ......... ann an deise no dreasa no dè a bh’ann ..........

SMN: ........... no gu dè a bh’ann

GD: Cha cuireadh iad anart gu feum? - Anart? Cha chuireadh iad anart air a’ chorp?

SMN: Chan fhaca mi ‘riamh e.

The wake house:

GD: When a person would die, what would they do right in that first minute that a person died, what would they do?

SMN: Well, the first thing, you'd have to get the priest.

GD: When the person was in the death agony.

SMN: ..... before he died.

GD: Yes, yeah. And what would the priest do?

SMN: He'd give him "the rites" – "the last rites". Or, "he'd put oil on him".

GD: That's it, yeah. And when a person would die then, were there particular women or men in the parish who would come clean and prepare the body?

SMN: and to put [???] on them.

GD: Yes, there were some who were better than others. SMN: Yes.

GD: Who were the people who were around here. Do you remember the name of anyone who would do that work? SMN: This Daniel MacIntyre who was up on the hill. There was a number of them around.

GD: ...... who were good at the work. Yeah. And they'd shave the beard if it was a man, they'd take the beard off him.

SMN: [????] But the beard would keep growing.

GD: Aye, yes, yes. I heard that. And did you hear the old people talking about how they would hold a wake when they'd have the wake at home? Did they always have coffin, or was there ever a wake where the person would be just on boards?

SMN: He'd be put on boards until the night before he'd be buried when he would go in the coffin. When the coffin would be made [?????] the people making the coffin.

GD: Yes, yes. But when they would be making the coffin, would the wake still be going on and the body on boards, no ....?

SMN: Yes.

GD: What would they put under the boards? Barrels?

SMN: I believe so. They would be the same height.

GD: Yes, yes. And did they have any other practice? What would be covering the corpse?

SMN: The corpse, it was dressed .......

GD: In a suit or in a dress no whatever .......

SMN: ....... or whatever there was.

GD: They wouldn't use a shroud? - A shroud? They wouldn't put a shroud on the corpse?

SMN: I never saw it.

Transcribed and translated by Hector MacNeil.

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