Ceitidh Magaidh ni'n Aonghais Ailein
Margaree Valley, Inverness County
Strong and independent, Katie Maggie MacLeod is as unique as the valley she calls home. Raised in Broad Cove Marsh, a beautiful stretch of coastline settled by immigrants from mainland Scotland, MacLeod and her seven siblings grew up in a busy home filled with extended family. Her father, Angus R. MacDonald, was a farmer, fisherman and fine Gaelic singer. Her mother Jessie, a former resident of Long Point, would go through a hundred pounds of flour each week baking for the family. A life-long resident of Inverness County, Katie Maggie has always had a passion for animals. Her skill with horses once led to a job grading the local road; work few women would have attempted at the time. For years Katie Maggie traveled throughout the county peddling fish and cranberries with a horse and wagon. Today, she laughs recalling a time when her horses went through four sets of shoes in a month from all the traveling they did together. A Gael through and through, MacLeod has always been proud to speak her first language. Today, at the Margaree Valley home she shares with her cat and dog, Katie Maggie keeps busy splitting wood and enjoying the company of close friends and relatives. - Shamus
Interviewed by Jim Watson
Camera operated by Shamus Y. MacDonald
November 03, 2006
Total Play Time: 01:33:53
02:42 story from Jim about Dòmhnaill Ailein Duinn
05:09 where she is from; her father and mother and their family
13:37-16:50 fishing; she used to sell fish View | Listen
17:00 the first of her people who immigrated
19:15 she is related to Willie Francis; people who made songs
24:22 past times; livestock; cooking pumpkins
31:00-34:23 story about going to the doctor View | Listen
34:24 cooking fish; keeping things without a fridge; hauling water
39:00 talking about her dog and cat
42:52-45:35 sicknesses when she was young View | Listen
45:37 getting a new dog
47:25 food that ill people ate
49:00 driving posts
50:11 they had three horses
50:56 winter pasttimes; playing cards
53:00 the special cat, and where she found her
59:50 tax collector and the dog
1:02:09-1:06:01 her father was singing songs all the time View | Listen
1:06:02-1:12:42 Halloween; charm to protect the barn; Katie Maggie's story View | Listen
1:12:42-1:22:01 more stories, ghosts and fairies View | Listen
1:22:10-1:23:45 New Year's Eve
1:26:25 about the house she lives in; who used to live in this house
1:29:29 the weather
1:31:00 Santa Claus
Interviewed by Jim Watson
Camera operated by Shamus Y. MacDonald
December 07, 2006
Total Play Time: 1:02:49
00:01-02:22 surgery she had
02:30-03:42 names for body parts View | Listen
03:51-05:26 Dorothy who had polio
05:27-13:28 more body parts, two little stories View | Listen
15:30 yawning, sneezing, coughing
16:16 crossed eyes
16:41 expression for someone cross
17:24 thirsty
17:54 bow-legged
18:37 Dòmhnaill Thormoid
19:48-26:41 stories about Eachainn Doink; the devil View | Listen
26:42-30:41 more stories View | Listen
30:42-34:09:22 predicting weather during butchering; pig bladder for healing; making marag View | Listen
34:09:20-37:51 butchering; stories View | Listen
37:51-43:46 lambs; sheep; stories View | Listen
43:47 folks from Broad Cove; stories
44:49-48:56 stories View | Listen
50:32 George Buchanan; a little story
52:00 more stories; superstitions; silver water; the evil eye
58:59 calling animals; stories
Interviewed by Jim Watson
Camera operated by Frank King
May 15, 2008
Disc One
Total Play Time: 40:50
01:28 Katie Maggie introduces herself, where she was born
03:00 preparing tea
07:13-08:58 illnesses View | Listen | Transcript
09:15-13:42 her dog View | Listen | Transcript
13:43 boys working out West
14:30-16:28 more illnesses View | Listen | Transcript
16:29 more questions about illnesses and cures
17:17-20:35 the cold; story from Katie Maggie; story from Jim View | Listen | Transcript
21:28-22:00 end of the previous story View | Listen
22:02 Katie Maggie and story about the Protestants
23:32 making beds
24:46-33:38 body parts View | Listen
35:20-38:48 bruises, burns View | Listen
39:50-40:44 story about Katie Maggie hurting herself View | Listen
Disc Two
Total Play Time: 40:40
00:00 story about her teddy bears
01:22 talking about the weather
09:55 the garden, parts of plants
19:46 preparing seeds; May Day; signs for the weather
24:00 horseflies; Katie Maggie's story; other bugs
28:19 stories
30:38 talking about tea, having a strupag
35:47 stories
38:14 Jim's story
Disc Three
Total Play Time: 41:00
00:41 Jim's story about three parts to God
02:29-03:25 Katie Maggie's story View | Listen
03:30-06:14 Katie Maggie's story about the false forerunner View | Listen
06:35 Jim's story; asking about the house
10:04 Jim talking about visiting
14:33-21:24 Jim cleans the kitchen View | Listen
22:56-26:16 more dishes View | Listen