Seumas Mhigi Shandraidh 'ic Dhòmhnaill
Pòn na Maiseadh, Siorramachd Ceap Breatainn
a’ dèanamh na h-éisdeachd, sgleogan
A' dèanamh na h-éisdeachd, sgleogan:
GD: Agus dè cho tric ‘s a dh’fheumas duine falbh dhan èisdeachd?
SMN: Dà thrup ‘s a’ bhliadhna.
GD: Dà thrup sa’ bhliadhna, aye. Àm na Nollaig?
SMN: Àm na Nollaig agus a’s a’ foghar.
GD: Agus, dè mu dheidhinn àm na Càisg?
SMN: Àm na Càisg – nuair a bhiodh An Carghas ann.
GD: Dè bh iodhann?
SMN: An Carghas.
GD: Agus, bhiodh iad a’ bruidhinn mu dheidhinn “Easter Duties”? Cha robh Gàidhlig aca air “Easter Duties”?
SMN: Cha robh.
GD: Yeah. Cha chuala mi ‘riamh ann an Gàidhlig e. Ach, dh’fheumadh duine a dhol dhan Èisdeachd, an fheumadh?
SMN: Dh’fheumadh tu a dhol dhan Èisdeachd.
GD: Agus Comann a ghabhail. Agus dh’fheumadh duine Comann a ghabhail aon trup ‘s a’ bhliadhna air an car as lugha?
SMN: Dà thrup ‘s a’ bhliadhna.
GD: Dà thup ‘s a’ bhliadhna. Seadh, seadh, seadh. (to ????) A bheil sin agaibhse? Sheadh? Agus dè an aois a bhiodh feadhainn dur a ghabhadh iad Comann an toiseach?
SMN: Bhiodh iad suas ri ochd bliadhna no mar sin.
GD: Yeah, car mar a tha e an diugh. Uell, tha iad ‘ga dheanamh le feadhainn na sine an diugh na b’àbhaist dhaibh. Bha mise na b’òige nuair a rinn mis’ e. Agus dè an aois a bhiodh iad dur a rachadh iad bho làimh an Easbuig?
SMN: Deich bliadhna.
Going to confession, slaps and spanks:
SMN: Twice a year.
GD: Twice a year, aye. Christmastime?
SMN: Christmastime and in the fall.
GD: And what about Easter?
SMN: Easter – when it would be Lent.
GD: And they would be talking about "Easter Duties"? Did they have Gaelic for "Easter Duties?
SMN: No.
GD: Yeah. I never heard it in Gaelic. But a person would have to go to Confession, wouldn't he?
SMN: You'd have to go to Confession.
GD: And take Communion. And a person would have to take Communion once a year at the least?
SMN: Twice a year.
GD: Twice a year. Yes, yes, yes. to ????: Do you have that? Yes? to
SMN: And what age would people be when they first took Communion?
SMN: They'd be up to eight years old or about that.
GD: Yeah, sort of like it is today. Well, they are doing it with people who are older today than they used to. I was younger when I did it. And what age would they be when they would "go under the Bishop's hand" (do their Confirmation)?
SMN: ..... ten years old.
Transcribed and translated by Hector MacNeil.