Ceitidh Magaidh ni'n Aonghais Ailein
Margaree Valley, Inverness County
S.W. Bha tinneasan ann, och, bho chionn ma dh’ fhaodte leth-cheud bliadhna nach gabh fhaicinn shuas o fhèin tric an latha an-diugh. Bhiodh cuid dhe na tinneasan seo – thigeadh iad air a’ chloinn, mar a tha a’ ghriurach, ‘s – a robh a leithid sin um…
KM Ghabh mi an da, an dà ghriurach, a’ ghriurach mhór agus an chicken pox.
S.W. A’ ghriurach bheag – an e sin a theireadh sibh ?
KM ‘S e, ‘s e .
S.W. A’ ghriurach mhór agus a’ ghriurach bheag, yeah, yeah. An cuala sibh riamh a’ bhreac mhór agus a’ bhreac bheag ?
KM Cha chuala.
S.W. Cha chuala. A’ ghriurach, dé seòrsa leighis a bhiodh aca air a’ ghriuraich ?
KM O, bhiodh iad ‘feuchainn ri toirt ort rud sam bith a ghabhail.
S.W. Yeah, ‘robh siud oirbh sibh, oirbh-fhèin ( a dhèanamh ?)
KM Bha.
S.W. Bha, agus ciamar a fhuair sibh seachad air a’ ghriuraich ?
KM Uill, dur a, dh’ ol thu stuff a bhiodh té an fheadhainn ‘ dèanadh. Bha iad supposed gun clioradh ‘ad.
S.W. Dia leinn.
KM Agus bheireadh ‘ad math air a' chraicinn.
S.W. Uh huh, bheireadh.
KM Agus right away, dur a gabh mi a’ ghriuthrach mhòr, ghabh mi a’ ghriuthrach bheag an ath sheachdainn.
S.W. Ìosa, Dia leinn
S.W. There were ailments then, that aren’t common around here, seldom seen in perhaps 50 years. Some of these illnesses – would affect the children, like measles, were these things um….
KM I had the two of them, the two measles, the big measles (Measels) and the chicken pox
S.W. The chicken pox (a’ ghriurach bheag) – is that what you would call it?
KM Yes, yes it was.
S.W The big measles (a’ ghriurach mhòr) and chicken pox (a’ ghriurach bheag) yeah, yeah. Did you ever hear the names the big rash (a’ bhreac mhòr) and the little rash (a’ bhreac bheag)?
KM No I never heard.
S.W. You never heard. The measles, what sort of remedy did they have for the measles?
KM Oh, they would try and get you to take anything (lots of things).
S.W. Yeah, did you have it ( the measles) yourself? (and have to take them)?
KM Yes
S.W. Yes, and how did you get over the measles?
KM Well, when you, you drank stuff that one of the ladies would make. It was supposed to clear it.
S.W. Bless us.
KM They would put (it would be good for the skin).
S.W.Uh huh, it would.
KM And right away, when the, when I had the measles, I caught the chicken pox the very next week.
S.W. Lord, bless us.
Transcribed and translated by Brenda Barclay and Màiri Sìne Parr.