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Katie Maggie MacLeod
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Katie Maggie MacLeod
Ceitidh Magaidh ni'n Aonghais Ailein
Margaree Valley, Inverness County

more illnesses

Whooping Cough:

S.W. Agus an cual’ thu riamh guth air an tinneas ris an abradh iad an triuthach ?

KM Chual’ . Ghabh mi sin cuideachd.

S.W. An do ghabh ? ‘S gu dé a bh’ ann ?

KM Casadaich eagallach.

S.W. Yeah.

KM ‘S an rud a b’ aite air a sin, bha mi, Chaidh mi a oifis an dotair latha, ‘s bha feadhainn ann ‘s an triuthach orra. Tha mi a’ faighinn pilichean dha m’ uncle, agus tha ‘ad, tha ‘ad ag radhainn “ Gheibh thu i, gheibh thu i, chan, cha do ghabh. ‘S bha iad a’ cur sill fo’n taigh, ‘s bha MacNèill a bha seo, bho Dunbheagan ‘ga chur ann, is bha ‘n triuthach air. Thàinig e a-staigh ‘s thuirt e rium “ An d’ fhuair thu dhomh -- Am faigh thu deoch dhen uisge dhomh ?” ‘S chaidh mis’ a-nunn ‘s shin mi dha a’ ghlainne. Agus an déidh an dà latha bha an triuthach orm-sa. Agus an rud a chuir an iongatais orm nach do ghabh sin i, nach do ghabh mi i bho ‘n fheadhainn a bh’ an oifis an dotair.

S.W. An robh leigh … dé seòrsa leighis a bh’ aca air an triuthach?

KM Bha a h-uile sian ac’ … Bainne làir..

S.W. Chuala mi sin.

KM Ghabh mise sin bho làir a bh’ againn aig an robh searrach, is thug mi, fhuair mi bainne bhuaipe ‘s dh’ òl mi e.

S.W. An robh feum ann ?

KM O chan eil fhios ‘am. Chaidh i seachad co-dhiù.

S.W. Seadh … agus dé (‘n leighis) a bh’ aca air a’ griurach ? An e buachar a - caoraich a bhiodh iad a’ cleachdadh ?

KM Bhiodh. Cha ghabhainnse sin bhuapa.

Whooping Cough:

S.W And did you ever hear anything about the illness which they call Whooping cough?

KM Yes, I had it as well.

S.W Did you have it? Yes, what was it?

KM Terrible coughing.

S.W. Yeah.

KM. The thing about that, I was, I went to the doctors’ office one day, and there were people there and they had Whopping cough. I was there getting pills for my uncle, and they were saying, “You’ll get it, you will catch it” But I never. Then they were putting a sill under the house, and this MacNeil fellow from Dunbhegan was putting it (the sill) in, and he had the Whooping cough. He came inside and he said to me, “Did you get, Will you give me a drink of the water?” I went over to him and held the glass out to him. And after two days I had caught the Whooping cough. Thing that surprised me was, that I hadn’t caught it from the ones that were at the doctors’ office.

S.W. Was there a cure…..what sort of medicine did they have for Whooping cough?

KM They had everything…..Mares’ milk.

S.W. I heard that .

KM I took that from a mare we had who had had a colt foal, I got her, I got milk from her and I drank it.

S.W. Was it any use?

KM Oh, I don’t know, It passed (left) anyway.

S.W. Right….and what did they have for measles? Was it sheep dung they would use?

KM They would. I wouldn’t take that from them.

Transcribed and translated by Brenda Barclay and Màiri Sìne Parr.

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