Peadar Jack Pheadair mac Caluim Ghobha
Rear Christmas Island, Cape Breton County
his father; livestock; his wife and how they met; working in Boston
Obair a bh' aig athair, beòthaichean, ainm a mhnà, ciamar a thachair iad ri chéile, obair a bh’ aige ann am Boston:
SD Agus an e tuathanach a bha ann an d'athair?
PML Bha e 'g obair a's na mèinnean gus a' bhliadhna a thàinig a' strike ann a' naoi ceud deug 's a naoi. Cheannaich e an t-àite seo is thog e an taigh is sabhal [aig a' cheann]. Bha e 'feuchainn ri [beò] a dhèanamh ann eadar na h-uile rud a bh'ann – obair choilleadh is tuathanachas.
SD Dè seòrsa beathaichean a bh'aca?
PML Beathaichean bainne agus dà each, caoraich – bhiodh muc no dhà aca 'ga thogail airson a ' gheamhradh.
HMM Agus dè seòrsa obair a bhiodh sibh a' dèanamh nuair a bha sibh ann am Boston?
PML Saorsainneachd.
SD Dè mar a dh'ionnsaich sibh a dhèanamh sin?
PML Cha do dh'ionnsaich mi ach feuchainn r'a ionnsachadh [?] leam-fhìn – a' coimhead air na leabhraichean, a' leughadh leabhraichean, faighinn amach o feadhainn eile mar a rachadh e a dhèanamh. Dè an dòigh a b'fhas', dè an dòigh a b'fheàrr. Cha robh an còrr air dòigh agad air ionnsachadh. Cha robh leabhraichean ann an uair ud – mu chuairt air a' seo. Cha robh iad ga ionnsachadh a's a' sgoil. Dh'fheumaidh tu breith air lòcair is òrd thu-fhèin a chuideachadh.
05:28 EMN An robh sibh ri saorsainneachd mus do dh'fhalbh sibh dhan na Stàitean? An robh sibh ri saorsainneachd an seo?
PML Bhithinnsa ri saorsainneachd – beagan do saorsainneachd - cha robh mise ri cus ach bha beagan ann.
EMN .... An deach sibh gu Boston ..... An ann ann am Boston a bha sibh a' fuireach a’s na Stàitean?
PML Roinn taobh amuigh do Bhoston. Chanadh iad Newtonville. Bha e mu dhà mhìle deug amach às Boston – à baile Bhoston – àite breagha is socair.
EMN (An e) baile mòr a th'ann? PML Oh, 'se, gu math sgaoilte.
EMN Robh mòran diofar ann eadar Newtonville agus Sudnaidh? Nuair a chunnaic thu Newtonville, dè ur beachd air Newtonville a' cheud turas a chunnaic sibh an t-àite?
PMN Uell, nuair a ràinig sinn shuas, rinn mise amach gu robh e car coltach ris an aon rud a bha mi 'smaointinn - gur e – baile mòr amach .... Bha diofar mòr eadar Newtonville agus Boston. Bha sin cho mòr le stòraichean mòra ceangailte suas ri chèile. Às an taobh amuigh a' sin, bha e car mar a rachadh tu a Shudnaidh. Sin Newton. {gearradh}
PML Uell, bha Newtonville, Newton Lower Falls, Newton Upper Falls, Newton Highlands, Newton Centre – car mar a tha Margaree. EMN Sin mar a bha mi 'smaointinn.
His father; livestock; his wife and how they met; working in Boston:
HMN And was your father a farmer?
PML He was working in the mines until the year that the strike came in 1909. He bought this place and he built the house and a barn. He was trying to make a living here between all the things that were here – woodswork and farming.
HMN What animals did they have?
PML Milk cattle and two horses, sheep – they'd have a pig or two, raising it for the winter.
HMM And what sort of work were you doing when you were in Boston?
PML Carpentry.
HMN How did you learn that?
PML I just learned it by trying to learn on my own – looking at the books, reading books, making out from others how it would be done. What was the easier way, what was the best way. There weren't any other way to learn. There were no books at that time – around here. They weren't learning it in school. You'd have to get a hold of a plane and hammer to help yourself.
HMN Would you working at carpentry before you went to the States? Were you working at carpentry here?
PML I'd be at the carpentry – a little carpentry [???] but there was a little.
05:46 HMN Did you go to Boston? ...... Is it in Boston that you were living?
PML A little ways outside of Boston. They'd call it Newtonville. It was about twelve miles outside of Boston – the city of Boston – a lovely quiet place.
HMN Was it a big town?
PML Oh, yes, very spread out.
HMN Was there a great difference between Newtonville and Sydney? When you saw Newtonville, what was your opinion of Newtonville, the first time that you saw Newtonville?
PMN Well, when we arrived, I made out that it was kind of like the same thing that I was thinking it would be – a big town from the outside - There was a big difference between Newtonville and Boston. That was so big with stores all attached together. Outside of that, it was as though you went to Sydney. That's Newton. {gearradh // cut}
PML Well, there was Newtonville, Newton Lower Falls, Newton Upper Falls, Newton Highlands, Newton Centre – sort of like Margaree {laughter}
HMN That's what I was thinking.
Transcribed and translated by Hector MacNeil.